July 2021 Sermons

    • Small Paraklesis to the Theotokos - 7/28/2021 "The Power of one Positive Thought" (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Feast of St. Panteleimon - Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/27/2021 English Sermon (Fr. Theodosios)

    • 5th Sunday of Matthew Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/25/2021 "The Grandmother of Christ" (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Feast of Sts. Mary Magdelene & Markella - Othros & Divine Liturgy - 7/22/2021 "Contemporary Miracle Stories of St. Markella" (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Small Paraklesis to the Theotokos - 7/21/2021 "St. Mary Magdalene & St. Markella of Chios" (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Feast of Prophet Elias Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/20/2021 (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Sunday of the Holy Fathers Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/18/2021 (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Saturday Vespers - 7/17/2021 (Fr. Theodosios)

    • Orthros and Divine Liturgy - 3rd Sunday of Matthew - 7/11/2021 (Guest Liturgist Fr. Aaron Gilbert)

    • Saturday Vespers - 7/10/2021 (Guest Liturgist Fr. Aaron Gilbert)

    • Feast of Saint Kyriaki Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/7/2021 (Fr. Theodosios)

    • 2nd Sunday of Matthew Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 7/4/2021 (Fr. Hector)
